I started out with the idea that I was going to try to educate as many people as I could about Coconut Oil- since I believe Coconut Oil could save the world!! (just kidding... sort of) I had planned to do a series of blogs and touch on different beneficial aspects of Coconut Oil, but along the way, I got distracted. Another very important "health" subject was brought to my attention and has gained more and more momentum in the media, as well as in my mind. It really puts a shadow on my world-saving Coconut Oil...
The more important subject I would like to discuss is Monsanto and GMO in our food. I am all about nature and using nature to our advantage the way I feel this earth was designed. My company, Back 2 Eden, uses only all natural ingredients with no chemicals, dyes, preservatives... and NOW I have to explicitly say I use no GMO??? Really? But, I DO! Because I don't want people wondering!
What are GMOs and what is Monsanto?
Monsanto is the biotech company that proudly brought us Agent Orange. Does anyone remember that project? How'd that work out for ya, Monsanto? Not so well, but! The tenacious company kept drudging along... in the same direction, and this time, got some pretty important backing.
In case you don't know, GMO stands for "genetically modified Oganism". And whether you know it, or not, you ARE eating it. They are sneaking it into our food and there is a huge move right now for the FDA to place labels on foods that contain GMO... but, guess what? The head of the FDA, who our wonderful, squeaky clean, fearless leader- President Obama, just appointed.... is Micheal R.Taylor. And guess where Mr. Taylor came from? You guessed it- Monsanto. He is the former attorney and VP of Monsanto, nonetheless.

Director of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy - former director of the Monsanto-funded Danforth Plant Science Center.
Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Anne Veneman - was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto’s Calgene Corporation.[2]
For a complete list visit the Organic Consumers Association’s website.[8]
So, Monsanto genetically engineered seeds, promised farmers these seeds would yield bigger better crops, got the farmers to sign their soul away, basically- they sign a contract saying Monsanto owns the seeds. The crops the farmers grow with the Monsanto seeds will not have further seeds to use for the next crop. Therefore, the farmers must go back to Monsanto to get more seeds for each new crop. And guess what? Now, the price of that seed is 4 to 10 times the original price.
Remember, in the perfect-ness of Mother Nature, each vegetable, flower and food of the earth has its own seed to multiply naturally. Monsanto removed this... and patented it-remember this for future discussion.
So, why would the farmers go to Monsanto to begin with? Well, have you noticed our odd weather lately? Droughts to floods, to tsunamis, earthquakes and superstorms?
Guess what Monsanto did? They curiously developed their seeds to withstand conditions such as drought, extreme heat and heavy metals. Wait... metals? Why metals? Where would metal come from? Well, they come from the rain, when there is not a drought...
What do Chem Trails and HAARP Have to do with Monsanto?
I don't know if you have ever heard the term "chem trails", but it is a real phenomenon. It happens every single day and in the DFW area, has gotten totally out of control. My husband has many Youtube videos documenting the chem trails, and you can find hundreds of others out there. Educate yourself a little about chem trails, because they play a part in this.
Planes fly overhead releasing a thick white trail behind them. You may think it's just from the plane's engines, but look closely- the engines of these planes are at the FRONT of the plane. These chem trails are coming out of the wing, nowhere near the engine. What they are releasing is chemicals. One of the main ingredients in these chem trails is barium. That is a poisonous metal to the human body.
A couple of things about having metals in the air we breathe... First, do you wonder why the temperature is continually going up? I understand there is proof that the ozone layer is thinning, but do you think spraying METALS into our atmosphere is going to help THICKEN the ozone?? Have you ever seen what happens when the sun bounces off of metal? It gets HOT! And the second thing is... all those upper respiratory illnesses that seem to be taking over... the allergies, all the unexplained migraines and other ailments... those are indicative of heavy metals in your body. Try a detox. (I recently started taking Chlorella and it has made a huge difference. It is used specifically for removing heavy metals from the body).... And lastly, when it rains, our rainwater is full of chemicals and metals. Monsanto took care of that! How precocious of them!
I don't know if you have ever heard of HAARP, but please, do yourself a favor and google that, as well. It all ties in. I know I'm beginning to sound like a crazed conspiracy theorist, but I assure you- HAARP is real and if you look it up, you will find that the government admits to having and using HAARP.
It was originally developed by Dr. Bernard Eastlund[3]. As soon as he got his patent for HAARP (which stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), on Aug 11, 1987, (Patent # 4,686,605) the US military and government immediately purchased it, for the use of altering the weather and warfare. It can, and allegedly HAS been used to created most if not all of the superstorms and other odd weather patterns we have seen in the past 10 years. It is readily admitted that the machine is capable of these acts.[4] In fact, Japan recently paid 60 trillion yen to the US to stop HAARP attacks.[5]
See more here:
Now... suppose the chem trails and HAARP are real. What do the two have to do with one another? I'll tell you...
HAARP releases large clouds of barium (a dangerous metal to humans like you and me) to increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation. Now, if thousands (or more) planes are releasing chem trails with barium, in a particular area, this allows greater concentration of and greater pin point accuracy of the use of HAARP and its effects.[7]
Stay with me... we're getting back to Monsanto and GMOs now....
So, what is so bad about GMO's, you may ask? What do they do? I'm glad you asked!
Well, we're not sure. Monsanto won't let us test, and they have the freedom to pass anything as safe since they govern the FDA, basically.
Monsanto forces DNA into our "natural" seeds to create "hybrids". The DNA they force into our already-perfect food nature designed has bacterias, viruses, herbicides, pesticides and other poisons in them. They have been linked to thousands of toxic and allergenic reactions, as well as thousands of sick, sterile livestock and rats. It has been found to cause damage to virtually every organ and body system! It causes glands to swell, organs to cease functioning, shrinks your liver, skyrockets infant mortality rates, causes infertility, and death.
In India, 1 in 4 sheep that grazed on cotton plants that were GMO died within 1 week. Shepherds estimated 10,000 sheep deaths in one region of India. Farmers in Europe and Asia say that cows, water buffaloes, chickens and horses have all died from eating GMO corn. [1]
Unlike drug safety evaluations, there are no human clinical trials of GMO foods. The only published human feeding experiment verified that genetic material inserted into soy transfers into the DNA of the intestinal bacteria and continues to function... meaning that even after we stop eating the GMOs, we may still have their poisons continually produced inside us, thereby, possibly causing a super disease, resistant to antibiotics...[1] Has anyone heard of the FLU EPIDEMIC going on right now??? People dying?? It's not because people DIDN'T get the flu shot- and don't get me started on the flu shot and what is in THEM!
At this point, it is virtually impossible to find corn that is not GMO. The soy market is also almost 100% saturated with GMO. Oh, this doesn't apply to you because you only eat "organic" foods from Whole Foods? Guess what? Whole Foods sells GMO products... and ... (here is where it really gets good) If you are getting those tasty "organic" chips from your local organic grocers, what is the number one ingredient in those chips? Corn? Chances are 99% that is GMO corn. And they don't even have to let you know.
Right now a huge number of farmers, consumers and health-conscious patrons are demanding the President require GMO labeling. Just let us know this product contains GMO ingredients... and he won't do it. And Monsanto is fighting feverishly against it, as well. Why? If it is safe, if it is the same as nature's food... why the uproar? It's NOT natural, so just let us know.
Monsanto and US Federal Government BULLIES?? Surely not!
Here are just a few examples of what has happened in the last 12 years to other countries who only wanted to put LABELING on the GMO products from the US:
1. America's treatment of Sri Lanka is one of the most shameful examples of its coercive policies. Sri Lanka's Health Ministry banned GMO imports for one year on May 1, 2000, because of the untested nature of GMO foods. They renewed this ban after the one year was up, on May 1, 2001, after the discovery of imported chocolates, oils and soups containing GMOs being imported from the US.

US threats continued and by August, peasant groups across Asia were protesting about them. Hundreds of letters of solidarity were sent to the Sri Lankan Government. On the August 14, 2001, a petition from 200 organizations, demanding an end to US threats was presented the Bush Government.
"Sri Lanka should not be subject to oversight or punitive action by the World Trade Organization because of its efforts to protect its citizens from the unknown risks posed by genetically modified organisms," the groups said in their letter to the U.S. These appeals were ignored by the US, and on September 3, 2001, Sri Lanka surrendered to threats from the US,who backed up its threats by its ally Australia.[9]
2. Mexico's Senate unanimously backed GMO food labeling in November 2000. Just the LABELING... And within three months the US was threatening to impose sanctions via NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Area - unless the decision was reversed.[9]
3. The Secretary-General of the Thai Food and Drug Administration revealed in July 2001, that a US trade delegation had threatened to impose trade sanctions on Thailand, if proposals to label GMO foods were approved.... Just LABELING![9]
4. China introduced GMO food labels and documentation requirements for GMO imports in May 2001. By October, Ann Veneman, US Agriculture Secretary (and previously Director of a Monsanto subsidiary), was objecting to the inspection of imports of US GMO soy. By March 2002, China had been forced to 'temporarily' abandon its inspections and to allow unregulated imports of US GMO soy.[9]
Similar sanctions threats have also been issued by the USA against wealthier nations such as Canada (March 2002, in response to plans to introduce LABELING), Argentina (Monsanto Warns Argentina to Loosen GE Crop Restrictions by April 2002), and the entire European Union (for LABELING GMO food and for regulating GMO crops). Who knows if GMOs were involved in the Tsunami attack in 2011?[9]
Why such a huge threat just to LABEL that a product contains GMO?
Here is something else that is very interesting. Before they ever hit supermarket shelves or factory livestock farms, the Food and Drug Administration gave GMOs a status of "generally regarded as safe", meaning that the industry had no obligation to conduct any long-term safety studies. Monsanto immediately obtained a patent, which now means... studies are not ALLOWED. They own the patent. They WILL and HAVE sued. They have this little project sewed up nicely, huh?
Let's Put the Puzzle Pieces Together...
Now, let's see how these pieces are fitting together here... It all started falling into place about 1987, when HAARP was developed and purchased by a greedy government who (sorry if this offends some of you who wear your heart on your sleeve) only cares about themselves. Monsanto gets into bed with the government and a brilliant plan is born.
If food supply + poison = desperate sick people
Monsanto + US Government = OWNING WORLD
See Video below
[1] http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_11361.cfm
[2] http://ivn.us/2012/07/11/monsantos-political-ties-the-reason-we-dont-label-gmos/
[3] http://www.wanttoknow.info/war/haarp_weather_modification_electromagnetic_warfare_weapons
[4] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/haarp/esp_haarp_10.htm
[5] http://2012indyinfo.com/2012/05/14/japanese-government-pays-60-trillion-yen-to-stop-more-h-a-a-r-p-attacks-eutimes-net/
[6] http://www.saveamericafoundation.com/2012/11/01/hurricane-sandy-haarp-agenda-21-foreword-by-victoria-baer-and-fred-brownbill/
[7] http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp1.htm
[8] www.organicconsumers.org/
[9] http://www.saynotogmos.org/global_south2.htm